Saturday, October 3, 2020


A kid want relationship based on preferences and references.

At this age of twenty plus passing three whole year celebrating adult slash unwanted responsibility, staying off from drama doesn’t mean I don’t craving for a real relationship.

Open up the new horizon, they said. But how?

An easy answer is the let the nature working. Call it cliché as in destiny or first sight moment.

Therefore, I reckon the same interest. It was meant to be for cynical people.

I breaking down a few:

“Preferences and references are uncountable variables. Those infinite measure are meant to cross over on two or more person in purpose to starting relations. Some using those as a tools to find sparks and clarity. For some it works, some say they losing it, some say encountering, and some say it’s just exhausting.”

If the nature didn’t allow you make connections, then we make one as an effort. Act as in you are the controller. Start a conversation.

After countless efforts of talk, you start to losing and questioning  like this:

“Sometimes I was wondering how far will I go for swallowed all this references to just carry a talk or understanding another context. It doesn’t fun anymore, it’s exhausting. Can’t we just sit still and listening and observing and shut off about it and go?”

You know what you are doing is based on senses to build up people expectation, I know for sure it was tiring.

Then, you still want a relationship, kid?

Picture Source: Somewhere near Tweet's Replies.


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