Thursday, January 17, 2019


Netflix's Sex Education REVIEW

So, the purpose is… I have to reminding you a sensitive problem that no one wants to discuss in our age.

Truth is, I kinda lost hope with Netflix coming of age show lately. But when I see the trailer, I thought why Margot Robbie being a high school student after her brilliant cast on I, Tonya. So I think this series gonna be huge because they cast A-list actor like Asa and Margot.

But later then I know the girl isn’t Margot Robbie and the series was still Boom! We all know the title feels like awkward thing even in western culture—more imposibble to bring up in our country (Indonesia). And that’s why it makes captivating to me to write this review.

Important treat for young-adult who tends react sersitive with sexuality. Sex education approach on real-life but in flipped way. It started with Otis—a male, 16 years old—who want to look sexualy normal teenager in front of his mom which is an expert as you can say, she is a sex therapist. Otis is a sweet, kind, annoying, synical person can be. He’s dealing with someone’s problem and his own in such mature way. And there was Maeve—a  bad girl vibe which I didn’t care for awhile but her smartness did captured my realism. Otis and Maeve are just a clicked with one another just like smart-edgy and cool kids meant to be. And don’t forget Eric! I kind of wondering  why he doesn’t has girl who are friend because he was such a pal, a really dreamy pal. And so they (Otis and Maeve) made a sex clinic. It’s like session with therapist but in high school and Otis as a Sex Guru.

It is not like Otis has a high-level experience with sexuality thing, he has his own problem in that area. But I think he learn some way from his parents who actually both expert in the subject. So, because that privillage he learns so much from listening his mom session with a client and just like I said Otis is a brilliant, not in a cool way but a wallflower-kind brilliant. Sex education also put topics like LGBTQ, racism, bullying, abortion, and a lot of young-adult desire. That is uncomfortable thing to watch but they show it with a comedy but strangely touching in some way.

I am glad this series was set in British, if they set in America maybe it could be shamelessly-corny dark show, like you know r****d**e. ewh. Well, the set was very marvelous, full of color-palette which I adore and the conversations, line, quotes, and pop culture’s references just superb. I more like confused with the timeline I meant what year this series set in after referencing Kelly Clarkson but the people ride an old cars. So yeah help me with that.

Just so you know I watched this series very carefully. Mute sound or skipped when sex scene played in case my nephew walked in my room. And wondering how many sins I’ve made when watched this series. But LOL, the reason I write this review is sort of have a purpose.

So, the purpose is… I have to reminding you a sensitive problem that no one wants to discuss in our age. But with the mindset how important this is, I just have to talk about what I learn from this series about SEX. It could be good or it could be bad depends on how you see this topic. I know this really a private topic to talk with a person despites our religion, culture, and this is so taboo. But if you have a problem or feels so wrong in that subject or area, you just can learn, seek everything that might be help you when talking to an expert is unacceptable. It is not like I recomends you to watch porn or doing ‘something’ as we already know as an adult--but that is your choice and I or everyone else don't have the right to meddle into those private things. I am asking you to always learn with what already in you, what you have, what you need and how to dealing with those thing. Don’t let stupidity eat you up from not knowing. Good luck my fellow adult phase 1 you all are smart people. End of awkwardness… thanks God!


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