Sunday, November 11, 2018


1/n (One per n) About life

Then there was this gentleman who looking around like a dog lost his owner.

If you feeling something right know. Bless you. More blessed for you who feeling nothingness because from what I had been through, those nothingness will lead you to something that gives you clarity. Just feel it, even it will make you alone.

I have this mind when cruddled on my bed after drink ice tea even outside is wet because of raining. How simple this life when it starting to complicated as we think right now? Its not like I can turn back time, but if we can take all the problem at ease then wouldn’t any guilt and ‘if’ comes into mind when you trying to sleep.

That’s why focusing good times in childhood become my remedy in those terrible night. Because believe it or not, I am still have to remind myself that I had live this long life. Not long live like at war,but 21 is a large number for difficult person.

Then I realized, the suffering moments which already came or will come to this adultery life, what a great thing to looking forward. Sometimes I feel like having control on anything that happens but when the bad thing happens, I believes there much bigger controller in our life, the biggest and powerful One.


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