Wednesday, October 6, 2021


When you feel unwell and overwhelmed by it, you write.


To commemorate this particular day, let's summarize with some details and description of what already happened and happening right now.

You feel unwell, but you did go to your office anyway, done your work after long conversations, incredible amount of coordinations with people and emails. And it's done.

You got this message from your old friend after all years stop talking not in the bad way, just in reasonable cause. You kept it anyway because you aren't at home yet and have so much to do before having your free time.

Meanwhile, your bestfriend also leave a message. A casual message of wanting something. You just read it anyway because yeah, you still in the middle of something.

You pick up some food for you and your family and a little drink for your bestfriend because you actually want to see her smile after unintentionally ignoring her message. You go to her house to see her smile, then you go home, you give food that you brought to your family and you see your family's smiles.

Cleaning yourself right away, can't wait for your free time. You replied your old friend's messages. Have a chit chat and promise each other to see as soon as possible. Ok.

You eat, and oh yeah, you still feel unwell. You have runny nose and you have cold. Your mind goes to that certain virus while the others mind is focus on keep eating so it will make everything better.

Next, you're playing social media, tweeting and scrolling. And you still feel unwell.

"You need someone when you're sick." You said that in your mind. And voila, your safe space is coming. She is your sister and you both started to talk about everything.

After declaring, "You need people in your life." Suddenly you felt gratefulness.

You send a grateful words to your bestfriend just to feel... yeah grateful. You're also missing that one certain person and denying right away anyway. Thinking it was useless and not in a place to start again and actually try to stopping all of it.

You still denying about that one certain person. You got up for a distraction and changed your usual sheets to your favourite sheets on midnight. One of activity you do to make yourself comfortable. Then you are cleaning your room. Checking front door lock. And here you are now. Forty minutes after tidying your bed, cleaning your room and locking your house's front door.

What a day! Just for reminder that today is worth written and you will grateful one day when read this again in the future.

Nighty night while you still feeling unwell.


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