Monday, August 16, 2021


Karaoke list.

Just watched a good movie. CODA. Got a nice song along the way. Well its movie which song was a big deal on it... -so.

Surely write too much these past day or at least today. So much in my brain that needed to get out. Started from tweet and now... another blog.

Now is 00.53 AM. It's already monday and I got to go work in 7 hours even if it's "Harpitnas" I just know tomorrow's work wouldn't get any easy so I just let my heart out in this comforting feelings caused by writings and letting out my mind to make a record that I hve been in this funny situation.

I am listening dodie's album now. Ok. TMI.

And so yeah, I'll talk about karaoke list.

This was in my mind this morning. I was chillin' like my usual weekends looking over too much on my phone and in the mood of re-watching Frozen 2. Yeah lame. But this rarely happened that I liked the sequel of the movie instead the first one.

Fast forward to Idina Menzel singing Show Yourself. And yes! I love the song. Without any clue. I searched for the instrumental and ready to cue for singing it.

You know, it happened basically all the time of our lives that you just singing from youtube instrumental and think that as a karaoke. Or maybe not. Or yes if you're in the never-cease-pandemic.

Making a list of songs that I want to singing if I was in karaoke was always in my mind but I really never actually making it. 

Or this one time when you singing for yourself and you approved that the songs was perfect with your voice and get an urge to making a list of "Song that makes my voice sounds really good". I really mean it when I thought that out.

My judgement of my own voice is always on both sides. There was a good day and a bad day. But I loved singing and humming and whistling so nothings really good or really bad. 

When I talk that I am actually never make a karaoke list, it's true, because when I started to organizing songs in my head, I should dividing them in three language. English, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia

I sing all those kind of songs and get confused whether I like more. I think it's slightly a same amount. Dunno. 

Turns out, I'm still haven't writing that list. So, this karaoke list still a mystery until I figure out or government could help to arrange karaoke industry to coming back in a meantime. But DUH! I know its useless giving expectations on those people. So, just get enough and satisfied with youtube instrumental, my friend.

Oh yeah, I have plan to buy home karaoke microphone. Just see when it could be implemented. Bye and may you have a good sleep. Oh, no worries, I'm talking to myself.


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