Sunday, August 15, 2021


I hope no one reading this.

Image source: @peopleiveloved instagram feed

Just a while ago, well minute ago, I was going though my second heartbreak and made my mind up to done with it. I don't know how to give marked to showed that I'm done with all this but enough is definitely enough.

Should've done this a long time ago. But hey, glad that I realized that this must stop or I would be a fool if keep this continue. 

It's such a shame that I should mad about something first to actually end this, I'm about to rant and saying something ugly slash refreshing in social media but now come think of it, I would've feel guilty and ashamed, then delete it at the end. So, let this head kept swearing without leaving a trace in this digital world.

Keeping a promise and get on with it wasn't easy. That's way this writings has to exist. In case I not too hard to myself in terms of doing this.

I don't know what to say anymore. I'll take the chance.

"So this is me unclasping my fingers. 
This is my parting, my reluctance, my heartache and my final gift to you.
This is me letting you go." - Heidi Priebe


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