Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Short title: I've talked too much

Long title: This writings was written because I have a good conversation today. On 76th Indonesia Independence Day.

Begin: 00.11 AM/ 18th August 2021

How come a girl with a mole on her lips should labelled as someone who talk to much leads to being annoying etc. Older people say so and they tends to be the one who believe in superstitions.

I was raised with that kind of mindset that I was talking too much. Even my parents agreed with the idea of me, as the youngest child, should be the one who's funny and happy all the time. Oh shit, is that why my name has a rhyme same as "funny"? Nope. I genuinely remember, dad's got name "Giovanny" from christian baby name book they got from hospital. TMI, I was born at St. Carolus Jakarta.

Anyway, carrying youngest child label whom always kind of hated by others older sibling because they thought we are annoyingly spoiled human being that always win (and we did!). I've always thought my parents love me the most and yeah that's so wrong in many way but at least I let them and felt much love from them in a real way. Thanks you two for unimaginable love!

So. Yeah. Talking too much.

I don't know who I am, really. How I felt about conversations with people? It's up and down. Could be amazing, alright, until meh...

If I looking back to my social skills on really basic grade until high school. I would say, I've never be an outsider. I've always belong to this kind of group filled with people who encouraging a friendship like a team. You know, because every team needs a funny smart fat friend so yeah, I've always belong somewhere.

But there's also the time when I got tired being so in arranged environment or maybe I want to be looked like a good person so I've always find it easy to approach a person who's more into observing and listening rather than full of energy and wanted to be heard. I've always connected with the most alone person in class and the funny thing is, I could actually enjoyed talking with them. Oh my god, the memory just pouring out, I could named them right now. But nah...

They are the real people who have a real story in their past or coming life ahead.

There's a girl who always bring a tablet to school and as any high schooler could be, I am continously borrowed it to play games, which, the game is Minnion Rush, that I still immensely played until this time. Also, that leads me to having no phone at my first year on my college, instead I get a tablet instead just to keep playing that game. Wow, goosebumps on my skin even I am writing this now. 

Another thing I remember about her is, she is the master of cheating BUT she is also one of the brightest brain in class. She told me that even she is already know the answer, she would go through this math problem to just assuring her ego that she actually did it with her own ability. At the end of high school, she did all exam tests by her own and I'm glad she did. Because as I mentioned before she is truly a smart girl. I learned a lot from her.

There's also this boy in my junior high school, we were in same class and I used to be one of class administrator back then so yeah I know every kid financial state in those time. He always said "later" everytime I asked about weekly contribution money and I just casually moved to ask another kid without push him a little more to give the money right away.

So, I'm observing him, and asked where he lives because there's so many times we would pass by on the road when we're going home from school. He was walking while me driven by my sister. One day, I asked "Why we keep run to each other? Where do you live?" Lol, I asked like the road was mine. And he tell me long story about his dad's motocycle repair shop and his young brothers. And from those day, everytime we run to each other in the road. I would brightly shouting his name while waving my hand. My sister in other side saying why would I do that thing and called me "genit". Wtf, sist, that's my friend that I gladly saying goodbye with. Well, Majid, whenever you're at right now. I would gladly saying hello again...

I also know this truly talented person who writes. She is the master of writing fanfiction. Genre: thriller. She wearing this big glasses, I'm being serious and I am not kidding. I don't see why my generation seeing someone who is passionate about something is a weird person. My generation likes similarity as a cool things. This girl is eccentric, not weird. She loves history. She's a walked wikipedia. I learned all conspiracy theory from her. The last thing I heared about her is that she's in literature major. Perhaps she already publishes a book? Yeah I hope.

Glad that I've known and had long or short conversation with them. They aren't unfounded, they just have this deepness people don't wanna know.

In college, when your social skills is the most used for heading to this world, I am shutting all of that with no reason. I'm exhausted all the time and making friends is just a necessary agenda thing. Seriously, I'm talking to people just want one thing: information. They're just a bunch of either people trying to stand out or people who too scared to say anything because the others also didn't say anything and always in save zones while I am the one didn't give a f and just want to sleep in my dorm.

But among those people that I explained selfishly general, I met people who just right matched with myself. Surely six years communicate with bunch of people who wasn't too smart, having a boring life story, wasn't eccentric and definitely not one of them are outsider. They are good at social skills and talking even the most introvert one.

Some of them are my favourite conversationalist. Four hours literally talking on the phone with me is... idk, what are we even talking about? Or long haul long and deep conversation on messanger. You guys are the best. Thanks for that.

And lastly to my family. Nani, who this afternoon asked and telling me all gossip about Megawati and Prabowo while I searched their parents' names, or spouse and siblings on google just to completed her sentence. 

Also My sister whom tonight explaining how great South Korea's health systems is and bring up and mocking my worse and embarrasing moment when I was children with all our recall memories of our parents.

I am grateful. I am.

Now looking back, I am still that girl with a mole on her lips no matter how the idea of that truth is followed with how much I talked or simply I didn't said because I am keeping the silence. Because I've looked at life from both sides now.

Good night. Or morning? Shit.

End: 02.27 AM/ 18th August 2021
No edit. Just published. Good Lord, Giovannyyyy.....

Monday, August 16, 2021


Karaoke list.

Just watched a good movie. CODA. Got a nice song along the way. Well its movie which song was a big deal on it... -so.

Surely write too much these past day or at least today. So much in my brain that needed to get out. Started from tweet and now... another blog.

Now is 00.53 AM. It's already monday and I got to go work in 7 hours even if it's "Harpitnas" I just know tomorrow's work wouldn't get any easy so I just let my heart out in this comforting feelings caused by writings and letting out my mind to make a record that I hve been in this funny situation.

I am listening dodie's album now. Ok. TMI.

And so yeah, I'll talk about karaoke list.

This was in my mind this morning. I was chillin' like my usual weekends looking over too much on my phone and in the mood of re-watching Frozen 2. Yeah lame. But this rarely happened that I liked the sequel of the movie instead the first one.

Fast forward to Idina Menzel singing Show Yourself. And yes! I love the song. Without any clue. I searched for the instrumental and ready to cue for singing it.

You know, it happened basically all the time of our lives that you just singing from youtube instrumental and think that as a karaoke. Or maybe not. Or yes if you're in the never-cease-pandemic.

Making a list of songs that I want to singing if I was in karaoke was always in my mind but I really never actually making it. 

Or this one time when you singing for yourself and you approved that the songs was perfect with your voice and get an urge to making a list of "Song that makes my voice sounds really good". I really mean it when I thought that out.

My judgement of my own voice is always on both sides. There was a good day and a bad day. But I loved singing and humming and whistling so nothings really good or really bad. 

When I talk that I am actually never make a karaoke list, it's true, because when I started to organizing songs in my head, I should dividing them in three language. English, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia

I sing all those kind of songs and get confused whether I like more. I think it's slightly a same amount. Dunno. 

Turns out, I'm still haven't writing that list. So, this karaoke list still a mystery until I figure out or government could help to arrange karaoke industry to coming back in a meantime. But DUH! I know its useless giving expectations on those people. So, just get enough and satisfied with youtube instrumental, my friend.

Oh yeah, I have plan to buy home karaoke microphone. Just see when it could be implemented. Bye and may you have a good sleep. Oh, no worries, I'm talking to myself.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


I hope no one reading this.

Image source: @peopleiveloved instagram feed

Just a while ago, well minute ago, I was going though my second heartbreak and made my mind up to done with it. I don't know how to give marked to showed that I'm done with all this but enough is definitely enough.

Should've done this a long time ago. But hey, glad that I realized that this must stop or I would be a fool if keep this continue. 

It's such a shame that I should mad about something first to actually end this, I'm about to rant and saying something ugly slash refreshing in social media but now come think of it, I would've feel guilty and ashamed, then delete it at the end. So, let this head kept swearing without leaving a trace in this digital world.

Keeping a promise and get on with it wasn't easy. That's way this writings has to exist. In case I not too hard to myself in terms of doing this.

I don't know what to say anymore. I'll take the chance.

"So this is me unclasping my fingers. 
This is my parting, my reluctance, my heartache and my final gift to you.
This is me letting you go." - Heidi Priebe