Sunday, December 20, 2020


Naratama dan naratetama

Gue pernah menyimpulkan seperti ini: "Jadi orang baik itu usahanya lebih besar dibanding jadi orang jahat."

Orang yang pure bener-bener baik mungkin tidak akan pernah memikirkan penyataan gue di atas. Tapi, siapa yang tau hati manusia yekan?

Ada dua hal yang jadi concern gue selama mencoba menjadi orang baik. Pertama, pengorbanan. Kedua, ya itu tadi, usaha.

Gue paling menghindari yang namanya ngerepotin orang yang tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk memenuhi kepentingan gue sendiri. Walau kata "minta tolong/minta bantuin" lebih cocok untuk mendefinisikan hal tersebut, namun ketika meminta pertolongan akhirnya menjadi beban bagi si yg dimintai tolong, maka di situlah masalah baru akan muncul.

Ga enak hati menolak pas dimintai tolong? Yah... begitulah kehidupanku setelah menjadi orang baik. 

Kalimat pamungkas ketika dimintai tolong adalah "Yaaa kalau aku bisa bantu, nanti aku bantuin deh." Ada fifty-fifty sebenernya pada kalimat atas. Mungkin bisa atau tidak bisa. Namun kebanyakan orang-orang yang menjawab dengan kalimat tersebut sudah bisa dianggap menyetujui untuk memberikan pertolongan.

Semua pemikiran ini disebabkan oleh pesta pernikahan seorang sahabat, besok di Bogor. And as much I didn't like an event, they pulled the strings to the core which made me one of those bridesmaids and I have no idea how to fucking behave tomorrow in the sea of people and Covid-19. Why I would take that risk? Simple answer: important person's happiness.

Gue tahu pasti rencana menikah pasti sudah di pikirkan sejak lama, dan ternyata Tuhan berkehendak lain. Planning-planning itu akhirnya di held karena ada Covid-19 di awal tahun. Apes memang, tapi yaaa apa mau di kata.

Menjelang akhir tahun, ketika beberapa orang sudah jenuh sama Covid-19 ini, dan kelonggaran di sana sini makin terlihat, maka banyak pula yang melanjutkan rencana bahagia nya.

Tidak masalah sama sekali seharusnya melanjutkan fixed plan tersebut, aku pun senang sekali dan mendoakan khusus atas kebahagian sahabat lama ini. Namun ikut bahagia dan mendoakan kebahagiaan tidak cukup bung, ada perayaan yang harus dilakukan. Perayaan itu tentu tidak hanya melibatkan dua orang terkasih tersebut, melainkan membutuhkan orang banyak untuk bisa berjalan. So here I am. I'm one of per n people that choosen to make that plan works. 

Sungguh, kehadiranku bahkan tidak hingga sepenting itu hingga bisa merusak rencana. Namun, ada adab yang mengharuskan aku untuk berusaha dan berkorban.

Kalau dipikir-pikir, pertemanan itu selalu ada cost (nilai) nya, dapet pekerjaan bisa lewat teman, begitu pula dengan jodoh dan koneksi-koneksi lainnya. Serta peace of mind yang didapatkan setelah membeberkan masalah pada teman terpercaya atau bahkan berantem & nesu-nesu akibat salah paham antara pertemanan juga seringkali terjadi, setidaknya sepanjang ge temenan sama "orang" dari kecil sampe segede gini.

Hingga ada di saat gue menarik diri dari teman-teman karena saking takutnya ketergantungan akan presence mereka di hidup gue. Memutuskan lebih baik ku tenang sendiri dan meminimalisir untuk repotin orang mulu. And that's going well. Hingga pada akhirnya aku bekerja dan kudu open communication dengan segala hal yang sebelumnya sudah ku tinggalkan beberapa bulan.

Gue pun mulai responding kalo ada yang reached out, ketemu lagi beberapa karena perlu atau ada alasan untuk bertemu, berhubungan kembali walau hanya lewat pesan karena alasan rindu atau menanyakan seautu. Namun setelah melakukan itu ternyata ku balik merasakan perasaan yang dulu: terbebani. Entah oleh diri gue sendiri ke mereka atau mereka ke gue. Seperti punya tanggung jawab lagi untuk make sure they are safe and sound instead believing they always be well.

Kadang gue mikir sebagai manusia, adab berhubungan dengan sesama manusia sebenarnya sangat sulit walau bagi beberapa orang bisa dibuat sederhana itu. Makanya mungkin kalau gue sampe tua belum ketemu manusia yang sama-sama ga jelas pemikirannya sama gue, maka dogs, cats, birds fish, or even an iguana adalah my end-meet.


Saturday, December 12, 2020


And, from that day forward...


Alright. Here We Go Again.

Even when in the middle of pandemic, I think I saw folks more than I could imagine this year. Some are new, some are old friend, and some are just a pass on.

Even I am trying to cut off TMI about everyone by decided not to tingled in between of their space, and hmm well... not exactly one hundred percent a success-- because when you were remembered by your friend or any acquaintance and they decided to contact you. Then... yeah, you couldn't stayed any longer in those cage. 

The things is: when you opening after shutting off or in my case is lessening everything, you are forgot the reason why you decided to finally stepped out in first place. Because as soon I walk out the door, I was showered by all the information I purposely skipping without me wanting to catch up. Exactly like Neil said: "What's happened, happened." P.S: I scored Tenet one time with, need the second and the third but with Bahasa Indonesia and Korean subtitles.

Well well well so then, I finally secured a job. Dunno 'til when it will lasts but most of my focus and time are those. I'm in the phase where happiness means no complain and just do what you had to do.

Well, I'm here to write. Not to rant or what it is called.

A friend asked me how's life lately and I said like I've always said but then she noted: "That's really unexpected of you tho. You've been more 'accepting' than before"

I just hoped my shape of mind could see anything in the same way no matter what I am going through
. Hahah. HELL NO. What a huge lie. I am not gonna be a same person like now if I'm still unemployed.

Moving along... So. I have two wedding to attend this month. One down and one is coming up and it took a lot of things to prepared like dress or thinking how to commute to the wedding venue which is in Bogor so I think taking train would be... cheap and... idk.

Yeah. Weddings. The way a couples sharing happiness and celebrate their choices of being together the rest of their lives with "all" people they've know. If it stick to that core definition, then I'll happily come.

I love movie about weddings so much, but not really immersed into placing myself to that kind of ceremony as a main character. But i'd loved to being the one who enjoying the food & music & talk.
I just don't have a courage to directly asking people to spare their time, energy, and cost for my own deals.

Well, so many time I thought why someone who thinks like me ends up having a friends. Are my friends are running out of choices of people who they could friends with? Or they maybe holding it in to stayed friends with me.
Well it's not like my friends are in huge number, so that's why there are who's apart or gone and who's stayed there because maybe they did think like I did. 

At last, let our friendship keeping the necessary distance, casual but still closer and noted to know that I'm always here. DONE.
*I realized kok my writing sucks lately yaa. Gosh, my grade was decreasing!!!

Pic: Mindhunter Netflix Series - Dr. Carr