Saturday, November 14, 2020


Back up


Hello. It's me.

I know this moment would come, my phone made a bad joke. It was totally give up for about couple hours, after I could bring it back alive with affecting all the things inside it.

Means... my words all gone, also important materials that I fond with.

It such a shame, of course. But I got new prioritize that maybe made those unwilling feeling about losing some memories could set aside for awhile.

From what I see, I reminded by anything happened back while that I really love talking with people. As well as silence working on finding myself like its supposed to. So I am fine with both. Those are regularly repairing my mind in sub path to finding another thoughts.

These days, or maybe like any other days that already ruined by pandemic, as I get used not to knowing what people willing to shared, now I'd rather give a feedback what connected to me even didn't try to reach them first. 

Still supressing the feel of missing certain person because there's nothing we could do to meet and hugging each other. I didn't know which barriers that made us so far but at the end it's all about our choices that made us (or just me) suffering like this. It feels like I am using my power to hold back the way but its breaking down one by one. I think the time will come when I freed by my ego but now, I'm not gonna choose to starting first.

Converting what has been important to go fully ignorance is imposible. I am contemplating on what people labelling as kinds of affection. My feelings could be anything. That's why I haven't figuring one-exact-term to defines it yet. 

That time, I said it'll pass. But I didn't prepared by what comes after that time, it was passed and now all is frickin' comeback. Shit. 

Pict: Twitter