Sunday, May 16, 2021


Those nights.

Source : Soul Movie by Pixar

Alright. It's 00:33 a.m

Welcome to the last night of worry-free holiday!

I think its a waste if I skipped writings on this holiday because I don't think I could committed to these after work were related.

Seriously... I just want to sleep. I don't even know what things I want to talk about. Like I said before, such a waste if I didn't write on this night.

Okay, the basic one. Let's play 5W+1H. 
How are my feelings?
In the safe mode. 

Where were my mind goes to?
Hm. Like it always divided. But certain persons made it to top five list. 

Who you're listening these days?
Bunch of Indonesian's OKAY singer or any song from my "Skripsian Song" playlist on spotify. 

What things you most worried of?
Simplest and complicated one: FUTURE.

When the last time you cried?
A few hours ago. Also, I think I cried everyday. So?

Last. Sixth.
Why are you doing this?
What? Writing? Well... I think I hopelessly needed this. My head is so full of things I should let it out but words just doesn't seems want to cooperate.

Oh. I have one actually.

Friend of mine just going through grieving these past time. I'm in the middle of weighing what's right and wrong how to behaving. Because the truth is there's no right or wrong on this case. You're just kept floating, like those poor children who eaten by Pennywise (this is fiction - and it's cruel - pardon my metaphor)

Anyway... I mean, when you're alone, its imposibble to avoid the overwhelmed, all the energy was drained up. And when you around people, its a great distraction. That's why when I'm going through it, college is my happy place. My GPA was 4.00. Just wow! Proud! Love myself. Kiss. Xoxo.

Okay. Let's talk about future.

One clean house with cool breeze from its countless windows (its has a same vibe like Lawang Sewu but I hope it wasn't) not to green, not too brown or grey or white or colorful. Truthfully, I can't even imagining what dream house I want but I think I could work on that later. Very much okay with me alone in the house or if its not too much, I welcome bunch of company of cats, dogs, birds, or (human person - oh... for this: needed to rethink again).

Being one of storymaker of one or two or more animated features. Whatever. I just want my worked has a visible output. I seriously doubt this dreams. Please hear me, Ya Allah.

Ah... since I love school. Getting master is definitely on the list! But since I also love money, let's go work work work first.

Hey... the most important thing is: Healthiness. I prayed for me me me and you you you. Keep maintain it! Good luck. 

Done at 02:19 a.m
What a crap. Bye. Shit, The title!