Sunday, March 28, 2021


... Whoever Decided Time After Time As The Opening Song For Palm Springs Movie's Trailer.... I. THANK. YOU!

What an odd choice of words for blog's title post.

Something happened today. A bad thing. As always... keeping for myself. After all, it isn't a good story. I think I'll just passed.
When my mind full of shits... well, i mean, things. Like so many times I've said before: I'll just pouring it all in writings. Even though I'll admit things should gone ugly first before I decided to write again after a long time. 

But hey, look at me now. Everything gone all over the places and what I decided to get rid off unnecessary options in my mind to get out of this mess is....

Glorifiying Time After Time as Palm Spring's movie trailer's opening song~ I'm in love once again with that movie as I rewatched it two times this weekend.

So... where this randomness all came from? Basic, this was came from Sam Smith who covering Time After Time and of course, Live At Abbey Road Studios, what else we could ask for?

Is it a good distraction or I just runaway with it? Idk. God won't even tell me. Now I'm alone to figuring things out. It's okay tho, I don't want people to know what's my plan because it would be no, uh uh.

I'm just glad that today's problem lightened with me writing some words like this. I even too scared to imagining what if another problem in my life can't even solved by writing as coping mechanism.

These days I kept reminding myself of how I shouldn't be a normal person. But it is really good to be a normal person. I'm in between on believing every humans are the same OR all humans are different. Someone who throwing that two premises, had their point. I'm agree and disagree on both.

Then, with all of those doubtness I remember this movie quote:

"Being ambiguous doesn't make you profound. It makes you full of shit."-said a kid to a priest

When I thought about those quote, it's really like screaming in my mind with another paraphrase like: "Choose one of your damn choices, kid. End this sooner!"

And my conclusion on today's problem are: All this time I think I was on Hamilton's sides who always takes all the shots. Now, if I looking back, I actually on Burr's side.

Lol, what a lame closing.... 

But! Song Exploder about Wait For It reminds me that I have this another thing who could made me alive at least, it is how I loved watching music production. Just WOW. Lin-Manuel Miranda for lyfe!